πŸ“Œ Midjourney Cheat Sheet - Parameter List and Examples

This guide breaks down the core commands and parameters, equipping you with the tools to bring your artistic vision to life.

ParameterDescriptionDefault ValueNote
--aspect / --arChanges the aspect ratio of the image.1:1
--stylize / --sInfluences the strength of MidJourney's default aesthetic style in the job.100Range: 0–1000. Higher values mean more stylization.
--chaosAdjusts the level of variation in the results.0Range: 0–100. Higher values create more unusual and unexpected outputs.
--quality / --qDetermines the rendering quality and time.1Values: 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2. notice: V6.1 add A new --q 2 mode which takes 25% longer to (sometimes) add more texture at the cost of reduced image coherence
--weird / --wUses the experimental --weird parameter to explore unusual aesthetics.0Range: 0–3000.
--iwImage Weight: Adjusts the balance between the image and text elements of your prompt.1Range: 0–2.0. Higher values emphasize the image more.
--swStyle Weight: Adjusts the strength of the stylization when using style references.100Range: 0–1000. Higher values increase the influence of the style reference.
--cwCharacter Weight: Modifies the reference strength for character references, affecting how much the character reference impacts the final image.100Range: 0–100. Higher values mean stronger adherence to the character reference.
--repeat / --rCreates multiple jobs from a single prompt.1Range: 1–40.
--version / --vUses different versions of the MidJourney algorithm.Latest versionValues: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2, or 6.
--nijiSwitches to an alternative model focused on anime-style images.--
--noNegative prompt, e.g., --no plants, attempts to remove specified elements from the image.--
--srefUses an image URL to reference a style, applying its aesthetic elements to the generated image.-Multiple URLs can be used. Weights can be assigned to each reference. More deatil: How to Use Style Reference(--sref) Feature
--sref randomAdds a style tuning code from 1B+ base styles randomly to the prompt.--
--fastOverrides the current settings to run a single job in fast mode.--
--relaxOverrides the current settings to run a single job in relax mode.--
--seedSeed number to generate the initial image grid's visual noise.-Range: 0–4294967295.
--stopStops the job at a certain percentage of completion.-Range: 10–100.
--tileGenerates images suitable for seamless tiling.--
--turboOverrides the current settings to run a single job in turbo mode.--

SOURCE : MidJourney Official Documentation

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